Introduction to the Book of Ephesians
The book of Ephesians was written by the Apostle Paul while in prison. To those Christians in Ephesus and possibly to be used as a circular letter to other churches in the Asia Minor area. This is a wonderful letter divided in two parts; the first part talks about the wonderful blessings and rich treasures we have in salvation through Jesus Christ, the second part talks about how to apply our life to show others Jesus, basically how are we supposed to live here on earth serving God as individuals and church members. Instructing us how to conduct ourselves in our daily walk and interactions with other people.

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
2 Corinthians 5:17
From the Start-Acts 18:18-20:1
God recorded the beginnings of the Church at Ephesus for us in the book of Acts 18:18-20:1.
Ephesus, a large important city in the Roman Empire. It was the home of one of the wonders of the ancient world, the Temple of Diana.
Paul, before leaving for Jerusalem, left his friends Priscilla and Aquila in Ephesus. They find Apollos teaching in the synagogue, whom they quickly brought home and taught about the Resurrection of Jesus.
Apollos, eloquent and mighty in the scriptures, a disciple of John the Baptist. But only knew the baptism of John and didn’t know about the death of Jesus or his resurrection. Once Apollos learns this he mightily teaches the Jews that Jesus is the Christ.
Paul Returns to Ephesus
Apollos leaves for Corinth and Paul returns to Ephesus. Paul ends up staying over 2 years preaching and teaching, in the synagogue and in the school of Tyrannus. Jews and Greeks alike all over the area heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God used Paul in a mighty way during his time there.
Even in a city consumed with idol worship, witchcraft and magic books, the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified and many came to believe in Jesus. So much so that it caused a disruption in the trade of silver shrines and figurines of the false goddess Diana and the burning of valuable magic books.
Through faith in Jesus and their witness of what He had done, those early Christians, through Jesus, turned the city of Ephesus upside down.
A valuable lesson for us today. Our modern cities, a lot like Ephesus, can be turned upside down if we show Jesus in our lives. If we love our neighbors, shine the light of Jesus and live our lives according to God’s Word, through Jesus the environment around us can be turned upside down.
“Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Grace…Peace…Saints…in Christ
Grace, one of the most meaningful words that we know. It means something more in the Bible than men mean by the word. When mankind says grace it could mean something lovely, or has beauty, or a way someone treats someone else. The grace of the Bible is different. It is God’s favor, his wonderful blessings and gifts he gives to us… each one, all of them we do not deserve. He gives them because he loves us. The free gift of salvation, he gave the gift of his son Jesus to pay for our sins. Grace is the only way we can be saved. Grace is the only way we can be in the presence of God.
Peace, the Bible says man is in conflict with God, enemies. Jesus, through his work on the cross paying for our sins, through our salvation, we can have peace with God. We can be in the presence of God, and knowing that we are in his good favor also brings a peace to our lives as we walk around this troubled world.
Saints, in Christ. Saints are those that have been saved. Their sins have been forgiven and paid for by Jesus Christ. Set apart for a special purpose, to be obedient to God and to show the world the love of Jesus.
The question: Are you experiencing God’s Grace, the wonderful peace of God as a saint, are you in Christ?