Walking in the Light Ephesians 5:8-14
A family visited a deep cave. When the guide led them to the deepest, most darkest point, he turned off the lights so they could see how dark it was. The little sister was afraid and started to cry. The older brother put his arm around her and said, “It’s ok, somebody here knows how to turn on the lights.”
In the following verses, Paul describes our sinful world as being in the darkness, which we’ve been a part of. Just like in the example above, the darkness is very scary. Friends, there is no need to cry, somebody knows how to turn on the lights. That somebody is Jesus!
Come Out of the Darkness
Ephesians 5:8
- The Jews considered the darkness anything outside of the will of God. Darkness in God’s Word also represents sin.
- Before Jesus, we were walking in darkness apart from God.
- But now, after accepting the free gift of salvation, being saved by Jesus, we walk in the light. In fellowship with God, no longer enemies of God.
- Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 we are new creatures “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
Showing the Light
Ephesians 5:9-10
- If we are walking in the light of Jesus, the light that comes from Him, the fruits of our life will be evident for others to see.
- The righteousness of Jesus will be there for others to see as we are discerning what is acceptable to the Lord.
- As we are living our life by His Word others will see the light of Jesus in our lives.
- We live our lives to show the light of Jesus to those living in the dark world. That is our goal in life.
Stay Away from Sin, not Sinners
Ephesians 5:11
- The Bible says that Jesus loves sinners, he ate with them and talked with them, and loved them, thankfully, he loves us.
- Salvation is for sinners, we share the gospel with sinners.
- It’s not saying avoid sinners, Jesus didn’t, it’s saying we don’t condone or agree with or participate in their works or deeds of darkness.
- Reprove here means to expose the sins, bring them to light.
- The light of Jesus that we are shining will expose others sins to them. So they will see their need to seek Jesus.
“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.”
Light Exposes Sin
Ephesians 5:12-13
- As we are living the life we are instructed to, according to the Word of God, our lives will be so different than those of the lost. The light of Jesus in our lives will expose the sins of the lost in their own lives because we should be living lives that are different.
- The light will manifest the darkness, even those things in secret. Even in our own lives the things we do in secret. There are no secrets from God.
- We are saved by the blood of Jesus but we still live in these fleshy bodies that are sinful.
- Quote from DL Moody ” Lighthouses don’t fire cannons to call attention to their shining, – they just shine.”
As we live our lives trying not to sin and we see others sin in their lives, we have to remember not to think we are better than anyone else just because we are living a better life. We are just like them, we just have Jesus. Jesus has paid for our sins. Any goodness and any rightousness that we have, is because of Jesus.
Do You Have The Light?
Ephesians 5:14
Jesus has set us free. We can have eternal life in the presence of God if we accept Jesus. He will give us His light for us to shine everywhere we are so, others will see Jesus in our lives.
He says, “Arise, wake up!, Christ will give you light!”
Are you awake today? Have you accepted Jesus and come out of the darkness?